Duisburg, October 2018. The latest edition of our PCC magazine “PCC ChemNews” offers up-to-date coverage of our extensive activities, with particular emphasis on the chemicals sector. In this issue we also report on the PCC SE Investors’ Day celebrating “25 Years of PCC,” which was held on July 7 in Duisburg (page 10 ff) and the Investors’ Day of our Polish subsidiaries PCC Rokita SA and PCC Exol SA, which took place on September 22, 2018 in Brzeg Dolny (page 6 ff). Starting on page 53, you will also find a report on the Targobank-Run in August which saw a PCC team among the participants striding out for a good cause through downtown Duisburg.

The magazine appears in three languages side by side, German, English and Polish. It is published by our largest Group subsidiary, PCC Rokita SA, which is domiciled at our chemicals production site in Brzeg Dolny in the Lower Silesia region of Poland.